Lādē RSS
2019 Black Women's Expo
Lādē came as an idea for me 2 years ago but became active in January 2017! This year was full of lessons, triumphs, trials and victories. We have networked and partnered with many organizations and businesses that have great plans for the future! We have had an impact on hundreds of women and will strive to reach more! Take a look at our year of 2017, we hope that you are inspired, encouraged and motivated to take on 2018 with no regrets, positive vibes, and achieve all your heart desires. HAPPY NEW YEAR FROM LĀDĒ INCORPORATED!!! MAYWOOD STOP THE VIOLENCE...
Judging me from my past will leave you there!
I am not going to do a fancy intro. I will just get right into it. First of all I absolutely hate when people try to tell me about myself. One thing I am is very receptive. I will listen to what anyone has to say however, when you try to tell me things about myself that I know I’ve grown from sets me on fire. For one, the people who tend to try to diagnose and read me are those who I owe no explanation to. Secondly, if you truly know me you will see and accept the transformation....
Confidence breeds Competence
December 14, 2017 You know that saying when you look good you feel good? Well mannn I feel GREAT! It’s something about when you get your nails done, hair done, eyebrows done, buy yourself something you walk around with a confidence about yourself that you never knew you had. That confidence that nobody can tell you nothing! Lol That I know I’m the Sugar Honey Iced Tea type of confidence! That you broke up with me yesterday but I already have an all-star lineup of guys that been ready to shoot their shot today type of confidence. That constant reassurance...
They say when you have kids your life is over. They say you’re cute but you’re not the “baddest.” They say you don’t take care of your kids properly. They say you are stupid. They say you make dumb decisions. They say you’re not good enough. They say you’re a failure. They say you’re not polite enough. They say your kids are bad with no home training. They say you will never amount to anything. They count you out without giving you a chance. They, they, they say WHATEVER IT IS TO BRING YOU DOWN IN ORDER TO MAKE...
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- black women's expo chicago
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- future best-seller
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- greater
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- hope
- i love writing
- ice cream social
- know your worth
- know yourself
- lādē
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- love yourself
- maywood
- melanin
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- natural beauty
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- new blogger
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- paint and sip
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- priceless
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- self defense class
- self love
- self preservation
- self worth
- self-love
- set goals
- stength
- such a lade
- thoughts on thursdays
- tis the season to be a Lādē
- valuable
- vision board party
- voluneering with seniors
- west suburbs
- why consistency is important
- women empowering women
- women empowerment
- women's workshop
- womenempowerment
- workshops