Love Thyself Series
Commandment #1
Thou shalt accept thyself unconditionally.
My name is Tamara Wallace. I am the founder of Lade(lay-dee) University formerly known as Lade Incorporated. I decided to drop this Love Thyself Series on Valentines Day because Valentines Day is deemed "Love Day." The ultimate love is self love.
The first commandment states to accept yourself unconditionally. To accept means to believe or come to recognize as valid or correct. To accept yourself unconditionally means to accept every flaw, every trait, every THING about yourself without question.
In complete transparency, I struggled with this as a woman, as a mother, and as a person whose been petite my entire life but gained weight. It was hard for me to accept myself and the additional weight I've gained after I turned 30.
What I had to learn was, this is MY body. 4 beautiful children came out of this body. I realized that once I hit 30, my metabolism changed, habits changed, and circumstances changed. Stress plays a big role when it comes to my hormones and women should know that hormones are a significant factor in metabolism changes, mood changes, and body fat distribution.
Mentally, physically, and emotionally I was drained but I decided to make a change. I started to consistently work out and change my diet. I consulted my doctor with what were the best options for me in this journey. I started to appreciate who I am and fell in love with myself all over again. I write down my goals, remain consistent, and celebrate small wins! I am down almost 10 lbs from when I started my journey and it only gets greater. Allow me to reintroduce myself. It's Tee, CEO of Lade Magazine, Inc, CEO of Lade University, Inc, and Supermom.